Nuts have many nutritional benefits, such as being a good source of iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Fortunately, there are many types of nuts, and each has a different price, so let's see how they rank in terms of cost. In short, the top source of pine nuts in the U.S. The U.S.
is China, and imports add to the price. For example, pine nut producers need to climb trees and use ladders to deliver them while dropping nuts to the ground. It's not something that matters if you need real pine nuts, but you can always look for other alternatives if you want to save some money. In addition, as TechnifyBiz explains, the processing part is long and reduces the weight of the final product, for example, a cashew nut weighing 4-6 grams upon arrival at the factory will weigh between 1.5 and 3 grams by the time the processing is finished.
Also, since this nut is not native to the U.S. In the US, it's not something that manufacturers can produce in large quantities in the same country. As demand for pine nuts increases, the supply of pine nuts cannot keep up due to the long time it takes trees to mature. According to Wikihow, it can take five years for an almond tree to start producing nuts, but other varieties can take up to 12 years before reaching their peak production.
Brobible also discusses some other reasons for the high price, such as that although macadamia trees are available in 10 varieties, only two produce high-quality macadamia nuts. Because of this increase, the supply of pine nuts cannot keep up, which results in an increase in prices because the value increases. It's incredibly tasty and very tasty,” Linda Grimo, manager of Grimo Nut Nursery in Ontario, Canada, told TMRW. And on the other hand, there is the pine nut at an excessive price, which makes teardrop-shaped nuts like caviar in walnuts.
In 1900, chestnuts were accessible to all families in the United States, but in 1904, a mushroom-infested Asian chestnut tree planted at the Bronx Zoo gradually erased the American chestnut population. Pine nuts grow in the forests of their home countries, China, Russia, North Korea and Pakistan, and not on farms.